Linen Closets.

My home has quite a small linen closet – similar in size to the one shown above. It can either look fabulous – like a well-edited clothes closet – or you can find yourself gingerly opening the door for fear that things are going to come tumbling out onto you – a little like the garden shed once you’ve stuffed everything into it at the end of summer.

The state of the interior of my closet is normally a clear indication of how much or how little free time I’ve had on my hands………..true confession – I can’t remember the last time it looked edited and organised. So I guess that means life has been pretty busy of late.

Coming into the fall I always go on a crazy editing and re-shuffling phase. This coming weekend the linen closet is going to get it!

Here’s a few of my favourite inspirational shots to get me and maybe you in the mood for a little folding and editing.

I try to incorporate this idea – using one of your pillow cases to hold all the same linen – it really does help save time, especially if you are like me and all your sheet sets are white. I have 3 different sizes of bed linen and this method helps keep all the same pieces together.

I also love to use the interior of closet doors for storage. Most of my shelved closets (especially in the basement and my hall closet) have hooks on the inside of the door. Using a towel bar is a great idea for bedspreads and items you don’t want to get creased.

I really like the addition of the drawers and the label tags on each shelf – no excuses for not putting things back in the right space.

This closet not only holds bed linen but bath linen, cleaning materials and a laundry hamper.

If you don’t have a built-in linen closet don’t despair, an armoire can make a beautiful storage space. If you don’t want everything on show you can easily add sheer fabric panels to the interior side of the glass. Alternatively if you are happy with glazed panels you could wallpaper the inside back of the armoire. It would only require 1 roll of wallpaper.

This is a really cute look if you have space in your bathroom for linen storage, love the punch of colour.

Happy Folding!

Please remember to donate any linens that are still in good condition but which you no longer need to your favourite charity / shelter. Some of these organisations offer free pick-up from your front door so there is no excuse not to do a little good for someone else whilst you are tidying!

Coming up next, Laundry Rooms.


About gilliangilliesinteriors

British born designer living and working in Toronto, Canada
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