Finding Out Your Personal Taste……………Online & Off

Prior to meeting with new clients I normally ask them if they have a digital library of their favourite images or a collection of magazine tear-sheets. I’ve never had anyone say no. It seems like we are all collating and collecting images in preparation for that future decoration, renovation or new home project.

In time for the weekend I thought I’d share a few of my favourite, inspirational image-sourcing resources (quite a complicated sentence and I’m not sure it makes sense but it is Friday, so please forgive!)


If you are interested in interior design or are working on a renovation / decoration project you will have no doubt of heard of the website Houzz. It’s simple to navigate and once you’ve signed up you can create your own lookbooks to store your favourite images. There are thousands upon thousands of pictures and many are swoon worthy. The images are broken down into rooms so if all you want to see are staircase images, that’s all you have to look at. I sometimes create individual look books for clients that we can review at meetings. As a designer I am able to have an online portfolio with Houzz – its quite interesting to me to see what images people add to their ideabooks! Houzz likes to protect its sources (designers, architects, builders) so the images on Houzz cannot be copied – they have to remain within your Houzz look book.


Pintrest is a whole other bundle of fun! I actually find the images on Pintrest have more sole and a little more individuality than many of the other sites. Once you have signed up for your account – there is a waiting list so you might have to be patient for all of 2 – 3 days you can create your own boards. These can be on absolutely any topic you wish, dream and desire. Many sites now have the little RED p logo to allow you to pin images faster. What I love about Pintrest is that it allows you to mix fashion, decor, quotes, tattoos and travel images to name but a few all on the same board. This is how I like to work with clients – I sometimes have a great fashion image that shows a colour and a material that I want to incorporate, a jewelry shot to show a finish (brass, silver or copper) these combined on a board with some decor images can add a lot of personality to a design scheme. It really helps visualize things. You can check out my boards here. Anyone who has a pintrest account can find and see your boards and re-pin all of your loving curated images. But you quickly get over this as there are so many boards out there with such fabulous diversity it can make you feel quite humble about your attempts!!


I do adore this site and receive a daily blog posting. The Remodelista team travels far and wide to bring you the best in design from all over the world – hotels, stores, restaurants, offices and private homes are featured. I love to keep notes of the featured hotels and restaurants. Fairly new to the Remodelista site is the Gallery section, this allows you to search for inspiration via keywords (modern bathroom) and you have the option of either storing the images on a Remodelista look book or pinning to a Pintrest board.


Hello my name is Gillian and I am a magazine junkie (phew I’ve said it). I have 5 ring binders in my office with magazine tear sheets. We have them filed in categories and I have to say this is still my favourite way of looking for inspiration. There is something soothing about the turning of each page not knowing what’s underneath and then finding an image that you want to use as a jumping of point in a project. My favourite non-Canadian design magazines, are House Beautiful, Elle Decor, British Homes and Gardens & British House & Garden.

Happy Collating!

Coming up next week on the blog will be some thoughts & ideas for creating the perfect linen closet & laundry room.


About gilliangilliesinteriors

British born designer living and working in Toronto, Canada
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